Mask Mouth: What it is and How to Fix It

Is your mouth drier than usual? Are your gums bleeding? Do you have stained teeth or bad breath? Believe it or not, you may have a condition known as “mask mouth,” which is caused by an imbalance of the oral microbiome creating a host of inflammatory conditions.  Gerry Curatola, a biologic dentist and founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry explains what mask mouth is, how to spot it, and most importantly, how to treat it.

When you wear a face mask, it concentrates carbon dioxide in the mouth, which creates a more acidic environment. This type of environment causes an imbalance of the oral microbiome, where hundreds of billions of microorganisms live in our mouth, influencing the way our bodies promote and respond to health and disease.

Highlighting the fact that you cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mouth, Curatola says, “One thing that we’ve learned about COVID-19 is that our immune system is key, so if your mouth is inflamed, you lower your immune resistance.”  Understanding this mouth-body connection is crucial when learning how to combat mask mouth. Curatola offers five products that will help rebalance the microbiome, reduce inflammation, and ultimately push toxins out to help us fight viruses.

Curatola recommends a product “so natural, you could eat it,” called Revitin. This toothpaste consists of vitamins and minerals that rebalance the microbiome. Whether you’re brushing with it or applying it to your gums like a “gum mask,” it’s designed to reduce inflammation in the mouth and stop gums from bleeding.

Additionally, “Everyone wearing a mask right now should be taking probiotics for the gut,” Curatola says. He recommends that probiotics be taken daily. Curatola also recommends a powerful antioxidant called Optimal G – Liposomal Glutathione. This product goes underneath the tongue and helps push toxins out. Lastly, he urges us to take a combination of  Optimal C – Liposomal Vitamin C and Zinc Lozenges.  The doctor says that together, these products will help fight off viruses and strengthen the immune system.

Aside from these products, Curatola shares simple tips for mouth-care that could make all the difference to a healthier immune system. For example, avoid snacking and sugar intake between meals, as this is another factor that disturbs the microbiome. Finally, stay hydrated and visit your dentist regularly. Curatola reminds us that while wearing a mask now is more important than ever, it is equally as important to be cognizant of what may be going on behind the mask so you can properly treat it.

Photo Credit:  Ales Munt /