Lil Wayne and Former Personal Chef Reach Settlement in Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

Lil Wayne and his former part-time personal chef, Morghan Medlock, have resolved their legal dispute concerning Medlock’s claim of wrongful termination, according to KTLA. The lawsuit, which has been a subject of considerable attention since its filing in December 2022, concluded with a settlement agreed upon by both parties on Thursday (March 7), just days before the official paperwork was submitted to the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

While the specific details of the settlement remain undisclosed, the resolution marks the end of a contentious period for both Lil Wayne and Medlock. The legal battle began when Medlock was allegedly dismissed from her role after a family emergency required her to leave a trip to Las Vegas prematurely to tend to her son’s serious head injury.

Medlock contended that her firing was in direct violation of California law, which protects employees from termination due to absences related to caring for a sick or injured child. She had been seeking $500,000 in damages, citing the abrupt end to her employment despite her dedicated service over two years.

A spokesman for Lil Wayne previously countered Medlock’s claims by stating her dismissal was a result of a breach of privacy, highlighting several TikTok posts where Medlock identified herself as the rapper’s chef, potentially compromising his confidentiality.

The settlement, accepted by Judge Kristin S. Escalante, brings closure to a legal battle that raised questions about employment rights and privacy within the high-profile world of celebrity personal staff.

Photo Credit: Ted Alexander Somerville /