Let’s Celebrate Our National Food Service Workers!

September 25th is National Food Service Worker’s Day. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the nearly 15 million people who work in restaurants. From the dishwashers and waiters, to the chefs and the hosts, a restaurant team depends on every member to function. Chefs may get the most attention, but ask any chef who the most important team member is and he/she will usually say: the dishwasher. Without that valuable service, a kitchen devolves into chaos pretty quickly. Talk about front line workers!  These people have been, and continue to make it possible for us to find pleasure in food.

In any normal year, the life of a food service worker can be rough.  But during the neverending COVID-19 pandemic, it was multiplied by thousands.  As the food service industry still struggles to recover, it’s important to remember who puts themselves on the front lines so that we can all enjoy a good meal.

So today, ANY day, consider going out to eat (safely, in an outdoor dining setting), get take-out, or delivery at any of the 1 million+ restaurants in the U.S. Be sure to tip well, and express gratitude to these hard-working folks. They are contributing to the economy, not to mention our general well-being and comfort. They work long hours on holidays and weekends to keep us happy and fed. When we are celebrating, they are working. It takes a special person to devote their lives to hospitality.

Photo Credit:  AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.com