Learning More and More About Prince

The music world is still reeling from the premature death of Prince at the young age of 57. We’ve heard facts and rumors that he was up for 150+ hours straight before his death, he left no will, is worth less than we might have imagined (still hundreds of millions in wealth) and that he was a great basketball player.

Sadly, we’re learning more about him after his death, than knowing who he was in life. Prince was a very generous person, giving to deserving organizations under the premise that they not make that charitable act public. Prince was a very secretive person.

Prince donated $200,000 as seed money to revamp an old nursing home in his home town of Minneapolis, into what is known now as Harvest Prep and Seed Academy.

He donated $20,000 to a recording studio known as Urban Ventures in his hometown, and underwrote a plaque costing $50,000, an on-site memorial to the victims of the I-35 W. Bridge collapse victims from a few years ago. Prince also donated substantial money to the Circle of Discipline, a Minneapolis youth boxing organization.

Perhaps the charity that was closest to his heart was the ‘Love 4 One Another’ organization, giving over $1.4 million from 2005 to 2007.

Photo credit: Anthony Correia / Shutterstock.com