Kim Kardashian Passes “Baby Bar” Law Exam: “I Know My Dad Would Be So Proud” 

Kim Kardashian has revealed that she passed a law exam that moves her even closer to becoming a practicing attorney in the state of California. 

“OMFGGGG I PASSED THE BABY BAR EXAM!!!!,” Kardashian wrote in an Instagram post, explaining to her followers that it was her fourth attempt at the test. 

“I was told by top lawyers that this was a close to impossible journey and harder than the traditional law school route but it was my only option and it feels so so sooooo good to be here and on my way to achieving my goals,” she wrote. “I know my dad would be so proud and he would actually be so shocked to know that this is my path now but he would have been my best study partner.”

As the post continued on, Kardashian thanked CNN commentator Van Jones for persuading her to study law, as well as lawyers Jessica Jackson and Edy Haney and her professors, Sam Farkas and Chuck Shonholtz.

She also chose to share some words of inspiration with anyone working toward a hard-fought goal.

“Bottom line is don’t ever give up even when you are holding on by a thread, you can do it!!!!!” she wrote. “Set your mind to it and get it done because it feels soooooo good once you get to the other side!”

Photo credit: Kathy Hutchins /