July 18 is National Caviar Day – Here are some Tips to help you Indulge and Celebrate!

July 18 is a day of recognition for the renowned seafood delicacy that is caviar. It’s National Caviar Day! Caviar is the salted fish eggs solely from species of fish classified as Sturgeon. There are several different species of sturgeon famous for their eggs and each sturgeon produces it’s own unique color and taste profiles. Roe from other fish are not “true” caviar, but can still be celebrated on the 18th just the same.

How to Enjoy Caviar

According to Caviar Star, high quality caviar should be firm and have an slight snappiness when eating the delicacy, rather than coming off as a mushy paste across the palate. When you first open your tin or jar of caviar, each egg should glisten and stand out from one another as if they appear to be little pearls. Quality caviar should never be mushy, oily or murky.

When serving the caviar, don’t use silver or other metallic utensils as the metal will diminish the flavor of the caviar you wish to enjoy. It’s recommended that you always use plastic or bone utensils over metal, but true connoisseurs stay traditional and only use utensils made from shell or mother of pearl.

Once you have taken in your first serving of caviar, spread the roe across your tongue while gently rolling them against the roof of your mouth. As you are gently rolling the eggs across your palate, make sure to breathe in through your nose to get the full aroma.

Next is where the piece de resistance, the primary flavor of caviar, makes its debut. Once you have given the aroma time to set in, begin to slowly crush the eggs. You may feel a soft pop against your palate and the eggs become creamy and melt in your mouth. Caviar has tastes that range from buttery, rich and nutty to salty, earthy, and fishy. Make a game out of it and try to identify as many flavors as you can!

Types of Caviar to Taste and Celebrate!

The website Caviar Lover recommends the following types of caviar, so that you can enjoy these delicacies on National Caviar Day.

  • Limited Edition Diamond Ossetra:

    The diamond Ossetra is one of our most rare and unique caviar for which its color is piercing gold with a taste that is impeccably smooth and creamy, leaving you with your most memorable caviar experience you could imagine.

  • Beluga Caviar

    Still the most famous of the caviar, our Beluga Hybrid will not disappoint. Well known for its large pearlescent gray eggs and full bodied and rich flavor with very creamy texture and long finish. The Huso Huso sturgeon, indigenous to the Caspian Sea are the largest of all sturgeon species, growing up to a tonne in the wild. The fish are caviar mature at 18 years old and it is this time that gives the roe its truly unique characteristics. Still considered the best caviar available. Perfect for that extra special treat.

  • Sevruga Caviar

    This Sevruga sturgeon (acipenser stellatus) caviar, is exceptional for National Caviar day. Cured in the traditional Russian Malossol technique by expert caviar producers, Sevruga is a true delicacy with a pronounced yet smooth flavor. The dark, steel-gray color and small-to-medium pearls are full of delicious caviar flavor and wonderful notes of brine in every bite, making it a popular choice for lovers of classic caviar.

  • Kaluga Premium

    The Kaluga caviar has large-sized eggs, a light brown/golden color, and creamy/buttery flavor. Our Kaluga caviar mimics the Beluga in size of egg, color and taste, and is derived from Huso Dauricus and Acipenser Schrenckii sturgeon species. With the largest grain and most delicate in flavor of sturgeon eggs, Kaluga Selection Caviar has a nutty flavor with buttery overtones and its color varies from medium to dark brown with a clear glossy finish.

  • Premium white Sturgeon Caviar

    The White Sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in North America and is the third largest species of the Sturgeon, after the Beluga and the Kaluga. With large, light to dark brown pearls and a nutty flavor, our White Sturgeon Caviar is sure to please even the most discerning caviar connoisseur. White Sturgeon caviar is farm raised and produced in the USA and Italy, and is derived from the Acipenser Transmontanus species of sturgeon.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the celebration of this day? Caviar for everyone! Impress your guests and impart some fish roe knowledge upon them as they dive into this appetizer experience. It’s a perfect excuse to use fine dinnerware and make great conversation.

Photo Credit: Subbotina Anna / Shutterstock.com