Jennifer Lawrence Could Star Again as Action Hero

Jennifer Lawrence is known for her work in the X-Men and Hunger Games movies due to being a badass who isn’t afraid to take part in action. Well, it sounds like she’ll have an opportunity to play this same kind of role in her rumored next movie.

There are rumors that she will be playing Betty Pack, a World War II spy. Pack was such a star that she was named a blond Bond in a 1963 Time magazine. These are impressive words for a spy in the 60s.

This story when told via movie production will be based off of the nonfiction story “The Last Goodnight” portrays a very intriguing and entertaining story of Pack and her adventures as a spy. Lawrence feels like a perfect fit and we hope that we see her on the big stage at some point in the near future playing this role.

Photo credit: Christopher Halloran /