It’s Turkey Time at Arby’s

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Arby’s, the restaurant know for everything Roast Beef, is getting its Turkey on. In their new commercials, the food chain is promoting three different sandwiches featuring deep-fried turkey meat: The Gobbler, the Cajun and the BLT.

As the commercial boasts, The Gobbler features the turkey, “with hints of pepper bacon, Swiss cheese, cranberry spread and notes of…mmm.”

The Deep Fried Turkey BLT has “crispy Bacon, shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, mayo, cheddar cheese and crispy, delicious deep fried turkey” and is touted as “a gift for all the Deep Fried Turkey fans. And the BLT fans. And people who eat.”

The Cajun Deep Fried Turkey boasts a lot of spice, including Cajun spread, Cajun seasoning, crispy onions, tomatoes, and shredded lettuce.

Arby’s is quick to state all of these Deep Fried Turkey sandwich delights are available for “ a limited time.” So you might want to stop in as you drive over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house this holiday season.

Photo Credit: James R. Martin /