It’s a Pear-y Good Time of Year

If you love the fruit, you are welcome to enjoy them almost all year round, but December is really the time to celebrate the bounty of pears, because it’s National Pear Month.

Pears are an extremely versatile recipe ingredient – they can be used in desserts like tarts and crumbles, sliced with salads, in a chutney that can be served alongside turkey or ham, or just eaten raw like an apple – they are juicy and sweet, and because of their fiber content, they keep you satiated. In honor of the month-long designated pear holiday, here are 3 reasons to get into the pear spirit, from USA Pears:

1. Nutritional Benefits

  • Fiber: A medium pear has 6 grams of fiber, which equals about 24 percent of the recommended daily value. Did you know that the skin contains the majority of the fiber found in a pear?
  • Hypoallergenic: With an ever-growing population of food allergies, pears have been coined to be hypoallergenic. Safe food is good food!
  • Pectin: Pectin is an essential water-soluble fiber that helps to bind to cholesterol and remove it from the body making pears an excellent addition to anyone with high cholesterol.

2. Endless Culinary Possibilities 

  • Combining both the natural sweetness of pears, beets and sweet potatoes, with just a slight hint of ginger, look no further for a tasty dish. By the way, fresh ginger contains natural anti-inflammatory properties making it a perfect and delicious pear-ing.

3. The Time is Ripe

All 10 varieties of pears are in-season right now, so the time is ripe to be enjoying this delicious fruit, because many can be found at grocers throughout the month of December! Above all, pear your food with the best company and music, and you will enjoy a rich and nutritious Pear Month!

Make sure to use the hashtag #NationalPearMonth on social media to share the pear love and follow USA Pears on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for all things pears!

Photo Credit: Okrasiuk /