Is It Time To Eat Yet?

Ask your body clock! New research into the history and biology of circadian rhythms show that it may be the key to weight loss as well as overall health and wellness.

In today’s hyperdrive world, we are constantly time starved, racing around multi-tasking, packing in meetings and projects into every waking hour. Those awake hours increase, sleep becomes an afterthought, and eating turns into a mindless series of stuffing, skipping and binging, fueling ourselves more with caffeine than with nourishing foods. The result? A startling increase in diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

Nobel Prize-Winning researchers have found that humans are biologically rhythmic creatures, so disrupting these rhythms by skipping meals, binging late and skipping sleep has horrible effects on our well-being. Simply put, if we ignore our body clock, our mental and physical health suffers.

So how do we get back into rhythm? Pay attention to your body clock! Eat during daylight hours, tapering off as daylight ebbs. Give yourself at least ten non-feeding hours at night, when your body is designed to repair and recharge. The goal is not eliminating certain foods, but consuming appropriate, variety and balanced portions of high quality proteins, carbohydrates and fats. There’s no one “perfect” plan, but rather a wide variety of healthy options.

By observing your circadian rhythms, you’ll set off a domino effect that can correct and reset sleep patterns and boost metabolism. You’ll feel and look better! Tick Tock!

Photo Credit: iMoved Studio /