Indoor Home Maintenance Tasks to Keep You, and Your Pets, Safe and Cool in July

Yes, it’s the middle of Summer, and most of your home maintenance opportunities are outside this time of year, but wow is it hot out there!  Fortunately, these indoor tasks can help keep you and your family stay safe and cool.

Check safety devices and replace batteries. This includes smoke and carbon monoxide detectors as well as fire extinguishers, radon detectors and smart locks. Make sure they’re still working and install new ones as necessary.

Reseal countertops. If you have a porous natural stone countertop like marble, granite or quartz, you want to seal them regularly to prevent staining. Your countertop material will dictate how often you should reseal it and with what materials, so do your research beforehand. We usually think of kitchen counters with this DIY, but don’t forget your bathroom and laundry room.

Care for pets. If you’re spending a lot of extra time outside with your fur babies, make sure they have easy access to water and shade. Some animals have a harder time regulating their body temperature naturally and you don’t want them to overheat. DIY a dog water station for your porch, make them a comfy bed and plant non-toxic plants for a bit of shade.

July is Dog House Repair Month, too, so go wild and celebrate with some pup-friendly reno.

Care for pets’ toys. While you’re sprucing up Fido and Fluffy’s home base, take some time to clean their toys. It’s probably been a while and let’s not even think about the germs that have been passed from slobbery jowls to chew toy. Cleaning pet toys can sometimes be as simple as popping them in the dishwasher, but follow the manufacturer’s instructions to be safe.

Photo Credit: Dmitryp-k /