Incidents at the Hall – Part Two

Steve Miller made quite a scene at this year’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, complaining about the selection process, criticizing one person in particular. Sadly, misbehaving stars have always acted like 5 year olds at this event, so let’s list a few more bad boys and girls and their shameful moments.

Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant and Jimmy Page put the screws to original member John Paul Jones by not speaking to him, not acknowledging him, and forgetting to bring him on stage. This moment in the 1995 ceremonies was embarrassing and selfish to say the least.

Pink Floyd’s induction in 1995 was more than awkward in that the three original members, David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Richard Wright were furious with Roger Waters for touring after the original breakup, using the name of the group without apparent permission – they were embroiled in a legal battle at the time of the event.

Finally, one of the most interesting and saddest moment in the history of ceremonies for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame had to be the induction ceremony of mega producer and all around nut job Phil Spector in 1989. Phil was ‘underground’ for many years, but resurfaced to have Tina Turner and her estranged abusive ex Ike jointly introduce him without their knowledge. He rambled so long his armed bodyguards were instructed to get him off stage. They actually lifted him up and carried him off while still speaking.

Photo Credit:  Visions of America /