How to Prevent Your Cat from getting Heat Stroke

It’s blazing hot all across the country, with old temp records getting broken every day.  We worry about our families, our kids, our parents, but what about our pets?  While it’s rare, cats can get heat stroke, too.  Cats usually get heatstroke if trapped in a hot enclosure, like a garage, a car, or even a clothes dryer.  Although cats can sweat, it’s not really an effective cooling mechanism for them.

Also, certain breeds of cats, brachycephalic (smush nosed) cats have shortened snouts, small nostrils, and narrow airways, making it harder for them to manage high tempertures. VCA Hospitals note that cat breeds such as the Burmese, Himalayan, and Persian might be more at risk for brachycephalic airway syndrome, which could lead to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Along with smushed-faced kitties, experts recommend that cats with long coats or physical impairments should be kept inside when it heats up outside. Chonky cats, as cute as they are, might also be at risk because of their obesity.

Here’s what to look for, how to treat heatstroke if your cat falls prey, and how to prevent it from happening.

Signs and Symptoms of Heatstroke in Cats

  • Body temperature over 105 degrees F
  • Collapse
  • High heart rate and respiratory rate
  • Diarrhea, drooling, or vomiting
  • Disorientation
  • Abnormal gum color
  • Abdominal pain

How do you take a cat’s temperature? Using a rectal digital thermometer is best, but even a baby thermometer will do, as long as it’s not glass.

Cats symptoms are different from a dogs.  For example, cats don’t commonly pant. To cool themselves, cats will often groom instead. So if you see your cat panting, it’s a sign of extreme stress and you should get your cat to the ER immediately.

Cat Heatstroke First Aid and Treatment

Many kitty parents wonder what to do if a cat has heatstroke, and the unfortunate answer is not much. Unfortunately, when a cat is unwell, she tends to hide, so you might not notice the symptoms of heatstroke until the situation is critical.  Experts say if your cat is unresponsive or panting excessively, they need to go to a hospital immediately.  However, cats in extreme stress may not tolerate handling.  They could bite or scratch without even being aware of it, so use caution when bundling up your cat to take to the vet.

Based on the signs of heatstroke in your cat, here’s how to determine if you should perform first aid or seek immediate veterinary care. If your cat is unconscious or non-responsive, or conversely, is struggling violently or has diarrhea or is vomiting, place her in a carrier with a chilled towel, pre-cool your car, and drive to the veterinary clinic right away.

If your cat appears quiet and subdued with minimal panting but is aware, responsive, and tolerates handling, take these first-aid steps for cat heatstroke first aid as you prepare to take her to your veterinarian:

  • Move her to a shady, cool, secure, and enclosed spot immediately. Be sure you can prevent escape as well as provide cooler temperatures.
  • Attempt to minimize handling while administering care.
  • Place a cool towel under her body, note the time, and begin to take her temperature every minute or so.
  • Since she’s likely dehydrated—and only if she seems responsive to it—encourage her to take a few sips of water flavored with tuna or chicken broth. Not a lot, though, as that might cause additional problems.
  • Stop cooling your cat when her temperature reduces to 103.5 degrees F. Record the time again so you can inform the vet how long before the temperature dropped.
  • Pre-cool your car and alert the vet you’re coming in with a cat with heatstroke.

Some cats might tolerate a light water mist during the cooling-off period, especially if they’re in front of a fan or air conditioner, while others could be more stressed by that action. Also, don’t use ice, ice water, or ice packs for cooling, and don’t force your kitty to drink water. Additionally, we all know cat bath time is stressful enough on good days, so don’t submerge kitty in water, either.

While your first and immediate action should be to reduce body temperature through cooling, don’t try to take her temperature if it requires restraint or seems to increase stress. “Struggling and stress can increase body temperature. If your cat is rapidly deteriorating—struggling, vocalizing, or non-responsive—seek immediate attention at a veterinary clinic.”

Once there, the Royal Veterinary College at the University of London states the veterinary team monitors body temperature and does blood work to determine if there’s been any organ damage. It will also administer fluids and additional cooling methods. Cat heatstroke recovery depends on their age (senior cats and kittens are most at risk), how high their temperature was and the elevated length of time, and your cat’s overall health prior to this incident. Most healthy pets recover quickly if treated immediately.

Preventing Heatstroke in Cats

Knowing how to keep cats cool during a heat wave is important, especially if you have an indoor-outdoor roamer.  Indoor cats aren’t conditioned to manage extreme temps, so keep them safely inside when it’s hot out.  I your cat is an outdoor roamer, they usually are more adept at handling temperature fluctuations.  Just make sure they have access to shade and water.

And don’t shave your cat unless it’s for medical reasons.  A cat’s coat is there for protection as well as beauty. If your cat is getting matted, then trimming the fur should be sufficient.  Cats can get sunburned and injured more easily without their protective coat.

Preventing heatstroke in cats who prefer to explore beyond the catio requires just a little more forethought. “Simply switching indoor-outdoor cats to days inside and nights outside is likely to keep them safe from overheating,” Bragdon says. “If your long-haired cat insists on trips outside, consider clipping to avoid matting and reduce the likelihood of overheating.  Never shave your cat completely unless for medical reasons. Cats can get sunburned and otherwise injure their skin with close shaving of fur.”

All cat parents need to keep clothes dryer doors closed, and always check before starting them.  And make sure your sweet fuzzballs can’t be trapped in cars, crates, carriers, or other non-ventilated areas where they can’t escape direct sun and concentrated heat.

Photo Credit: Sari ONeal /