It can be tough to know when to buy, when to hold off, and when to save your money altogether. So, what is worth the investment right now—and what’s worth waiting on?
The Jetsons-style homecoming starts before you even hit the welcome mat. Whether you’re coming in the front door or through the garage, a few smart gadgets can make your life easier—as long as your Wi-Fi signal is strong enough.
Pros: With a smart doorbell, your phone’s screen shows you who’s at the door—be it the UPS driver or a neighbor. Not only that, but you can talk to visitors when you aren’t home and, thanks to a fish-eye lens, check on your garden while you’re out of town.
Cons: Many smart doorbells require existing doorbell wiring. (If you don’t have wiring set up, you can use a battery-powered doorbell, like Eufy or Amazon’s Ring.) There’s also an ongoing debate about whether we really want cameras plastered everywhere.
Bottom line: Go for it if you’re looking for added security, but otherwise it’s not a necessity. Call it a “maybe someday” purchase.
Pros: The right smart lock can be a game changer, letting you open the door without fumbling for your keys. Some unlock automatically as you arrive home; others unlock via a code or the touch of your finger. You can also create temporary codes to allow your dog walker or mother-in-law in when you aren’t there.
Cons: To enable certain features, like Alexa, you need to integrate most smart locks with a home hub. While some smart locks connect to the internet via their own Wi-Fi hub, others, like Z-Wave locks, require a separate purchase, like Samsung’s SmartThings hub. Most also require replacing your existing deadbolt, which might not be ideal for renters.
Bottom line: Once you start unlocking your door by touch, taking out your keys feels archaic and time-consuming. If you access your front door often, this is well worth the money. Of course, the lock can also go on the back door, or the door from the garage—whatever you use most.
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