Hollywood Stars Among Most Influential People

Time has released its Most Influential People of 2016 and there are many stars on it. Huge names in music, athletics, philanthropy, and politics were all named. Hollywood stars were obviously included on the list with names like Leonardo DiCaprio, Idris Elba, Lester Holt, Oscar Isaac, Caitlyn Jenner, Dwayne Johnson, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Melissa McCarthy were just a few of the many people listed.

Looking at a few of these that were listed and jumping into why they were honored with this makes sense. Lester Holt Stepped in valiantly when the Brian Williams’ reporting scandal broke. He’s been a fixture on NBC’s Nightly News every night since and has done a superb job.

Who can forget the work Leonardo DiCaprio has done as an environmentalist? It also doesn’t hurt that he won his first ever Oscar. He won Best Actor in a Leading Role for his work on The Revenant.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is light hearted, but always entertaining. He hosted this year’s MTV Movie Awards and was quite entertaining doing it with Kevin Hart.

Taraji P. Henson, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Gina Rodriguez, Mark Rylance, Charlize Theron, and Sundar Pichai are just a few more that were honored by Time.

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