Here’s a Summer Value-Added Home Improvement Project: Build A Shed

Summer is a great time for home improvement projects and DIY updates around the house and yard. Set some time (and money) aside this summer to give your homestead some TLC. Not only will it increase the overall value of your home, but little upgrades here and there can also save you a lot of money down the line.

Here is a simple home/garden improvement project that won’t break the bank: Build a Shed.

Add value to your home and a spot to park your lawn equipment by building a shed in your backyard. However, the first step, before you begin this project, is to check with your local authorities. Building codes and ordinances vary by location, and you don’t want to step in the manure pile before you’ve gotten the herd out to pasture, know what I’m saying?

Once you’ve gotten the go-ahead, choose a spot in your yard that offers convenient access and prepare a solid, even foundation. Finding the right shed is easier than ever these days.  You can purchase DIY shed kits at home centers and online, or you can find building plans that can easily be customized with different materials.

Photo Credit: Robert Wydro Studio /