Here’s a Home Maintenance Task you should tackle in June: Prime Your Pool

Ah, June. the days are long, and the weather’s getting toasty.  But before you slather yourself with SPF 75 and reach for a margarita, do yourself a favor and tackle a few maintenance projects. A little pain now means a big gain later—you’ll ensure your home runs smoothly through the dog days of summer. But don’t worry; the folks at want to make it as easy on you as possible. Here’s one that can make a big difference to whether or not you stay cool when it gets hot: Get your pool primed and ready for Summer.

You need to test your pool’s pH levels often to keep the chemicals balanced and your pool safe for swimming.

Here’s a tip to keeping your pool looking that inviting crystal clear blue: run the pump daily (one hour for every 10 degrees of heat in the water is a good rule of thumb) to avoid that swampy green color.

Shortcut: If you forget and come home to a green pool, a jug of liquid bleach will clear it up quickly, according to Dave Quandt, vice president of field operations at American Home Shield, a home warranty company.

Call in the pros: Don’t want to bother with it? You can hire a pool maintenance company for an average of $100 to $250 a month, depending on the size of your pool… and your zip code.

Photo Credit:  oneSHUTTER oneMEMORY /