Gwen Stefani is Facing Backlash For Stating ‘I’m Japanese’

Gwen Stefani is facing major backlash for her comment saying that she is Japanese. In an interview she spoke about her father traveling to Tokyo while working for Yamaha for years. She stated, “That was my Japanese influence and that was a culture that was so rich with tradition, yet so futuristic [with] so much attention to art and detail and discipline and it was fascinating to me.”

When Stefani first visited the Harajuku are of the country’s capital, Tokyo, “I said, ‘My God, I’m Japanese and I didn’t know it,’ I am, you know.”

Stefani’s statements about the backlash concluded in saying that, “If (people are) going to criticize me for being a fan of something beautiful and sharing that, then I just think that doesn’t feel right, I think it was a beautiful time of creativity…a time of the ping-pong match between Harajuku culture and American culture, If we didn’t buy and sell and trade our cultures in, we wouldn’t have so much beauty, you know?”

Her statements have caused people on social media to be outraged and upset.

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