Google cancels I/O 2020 over Coronavirus Concerns

Google is canceling its I/O developer event this year, amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Google I/O was due to take place between May 12th to 14th this year, and the cancellation comes just days after Google scrapped its Cloud Next event in San Francisco in favor of a “digital-first” event.

“Due to concerns around the coronavirus (COVID-19), and in accordance with health guidance from the CDC, WHO, and other health authorities, we have decided to cancel the physical Google I/O event at Shoreline Amphitheatre,” explains a Google spokesperson in a statement to The Verge.

Google typically uses I/O as its biggest news event of the year to introduce new changes to Android, Google-powered hardware, and even updates to services like Google Maps. Google says it’s now exploring “other ways to evolve Google I/O to best connect with and continue to build our developer community.”

Google says attendees will be refunded in full by March 13th, and those who purchased tickets for this year’s event will be automatically granted the option of buying a Google I/O 2021 ticket.

Google’s cancelation of I/O is the latest in a line of tech events to be scrapped due to coronavirus concerns. Mobile World Congress was canceled last month, followed by Facebook’s F8 developer conference, the Game Developers Conference, and lots more.

Photo Credit:  Eric Broder Van Dyke /