Goldfish Now Makes Bigger Crackers Specifically for Adults

Goldfish — the classic crackers made by Pepperidge Farm — are a perfect kids’ snack: tiny for small fingers and mouths plus delightfully fish-shaped because… well, animals are just super cool. You know you’ve popped more than a few in your day, although truthfully, those Goldfish have not quite garnered as much adult cred as, say, Cheez-It, which has landed wine pairings and celebrity chef obsessions.

So for 2022, Goldfish is swimming out of the kiddie pool and into the deep end, releasing Goldfish Mega Bites, a new version of the snack described as being “designed specifically to fit adult palates and larger hands.” Branching off in this direction would seem to make sense: The brand says that 40 percent of all Goldfish crackers are eaten by adults, something that “has shifted” in recent years.

Launching in Sharp Cheddar and Cheddar Jalapeno varieties, Mega Bites — which are joining Goldfish’s permanent lineup — are a “reboot” of the cracker which was launched in 1962 (and, interestingly enough, were originally intended to be paired with cocktails, according to Pepperidge Farm). The results are physically bigger — 50 percent, to be precise — and also aim for bolder flavors.

“This is the first time Goldfish has created a snacking experience specifically with ‘Grown Up’ tastes in mind,” explained Janda Lukin, chief marketing officer at Pepperidge Farm’s parent company, Campbell Snacks. (How quickly they forgot about that whole cocktail pairing thing!) “We’re at the start of a new chapter for the brand and are expanding our offerings and appeal to all age groups — in the college dorm, snacking at your desk, wherever that is these days — while remaining a snack for all families. We’re excited to keep creating bold and playful snacks and experiences.”

Mega Bites are currently rolling out to the same retailers you would usually buy your Goldfish crackers from. And despite all the changes, they’re still being sold in those classic Pepperidge Farm bags with a suggested retail price of $2.69.

Photo Credti: Hong Vo /