Girls Empowered Via Coding

According to, at Quantum Quest, an all girls quantum computing camp, 20 teenagers recently took on quantum coding. According to Gabbie Meis a Program Manger,
“(Scientists) use quantum computers, (Quantum computers) actually use quantum mechanics to solve some of the world’s largest problems, like things with lots of data or simulations that our classical computers just don’t have enough power to do. Instead of our classical computers, quantum computers are actually an entirely different type of machine that is still being developed today.” These computers require quantum coding and when used correctly, they can be used to solve problems such as transportation mapping, such as figuring out how to remap the entire country of Australia with more efficient roadways; or even biomedical research, such as protein folding for vaccine development or drug discovery research. According to Meis, “Back in 2019 Google ran a problem on their quantum computer that they estimated would take the most powerful supercomputer about 10,000 years to solve, They said they got their (quantum) computers to solve it in less than two days.” The teenage girls participating in the camp learned the programming language, Qiskit, an open source (free) software development kit. The girls are also learning basics of linear Algebra, how to code in Python, and quantum physics all in a single week camp. Empowering the young women to take the next step in a career in a new technology related field.

Jacob Lund /