Girl Becomes Multi-Millionaire at 11

According to, Mikaila Ulmer was given a cookbook by her great-grandmother when she was four years old, and started making her own version of the lemonade. Just seven years later Whole Foods would be paying her $11 million dollars to stock their shelves with her lemonade. Mikaila’s recipe is based on a 1940’s recipe for flaxseed lemonade, although Ulmer decided to add honey to it which made all the difference. Before her 18th birthday this young lady has accomplished getting her lemonade in over 1,500 stores across the United States. However, she doesn’t stop there, for each drink sold, 10 percent of her profits are being donated to bee rescue foundations.  On top of that, Mikaila has written her own book, and her own line of lip balms as well. “Me and The Bees Lemonade, is now celebrating ten years in business after humble beginnings, bottling the drink for a local pizza shop.

Okta Reza Dwiky /