September is a great time to get a Jump on Fall/Winter Home Maintenance

Home Improvement icon Bob Vila says that September is the time to catch up on Home Maintenance. It’s a time to finish projects begun in the summer that were never completed. And it’s an excellent opportunity to see what can be improved, replaced, or repaired while the weather is still nice enough for outdoor projects. This is is also the perfect month to begin your fall home maintenance checklist, add seasonal color to your garden, and bring organization to your home—and your life.

Remember that while you were having fun in the sun this summer, it was no vacation for your house. A fall checklist will tip you off to little problems before they become nasty mid-winter surprises. The easiest way to do it is to check from top to bottom. Start with the roof—are your shingles worn? Check for leaks around skylights, vents, and chimneys (and have that chimney cleaned). Clear out your gutters and check for leaks there, too.

If you live where pipes can freeze, drain your outside hose spigots. Switch your screens for storms and seal any drafty windows or doors. Same goes for paint and siding: Make sure you caulk or repair any gaps, cracks, or holes and re-point any brick surfaces that need it. Paint over your repairs while the weather’s still warm enough to do it, so you’re not looking at them all winter. In the basement, check for dampness, change filters, and have your heating system serviced. Also, check for cracks in the foundation.

Do the top-to-bottom check this fall and you’ll avoid expensive surprises this winter!

Photo Credit: karen roach /