Gal Gadot is known for her strength on screen as Wonder Woman, but the actress recently revealed a deeply personal story about her resilience in real life. In an emotional Instagram post on December 29, Gadot shared that she faced a terrifying health crisis during the eighth month of her pregnancy with her fourth child. After weeks of debilitating headaches left her bedridden, an MRI revealed a massive blood clot in her brain—a condition called cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). The diagnosis led to an emergency surgery at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, where Gadot also gave birth to her daughter, Ori, during the procedure. She described Ori, whose name means “my light” in Hebrew, as the inspiration that carried her through one of the darkest moments of her life.
Now fully healed, Gadot is using her story to raise awareness about CVT, a rare but treatable condition that affects approximately 3 in 100,000 pregnant women over 30. Emphasizing the importance of listening to one’s body, she encouraged others to take symptoms like pain and discomfort seriously, reminding her followers that early detection can be life-saving.
Reflecting on her journey, Gadot expressed gratitude to the medical team that guided her to recovery and acknowledged the fragility of life behind the polished moments often shared on social media. She hopes her experience will empower others to prioritize their health and take action when something feels wrong. Gadot, who shares daughters Alma, Maya, Daniella, and now Ori with her husband Jaron Varsano, described her newborn as a source of light and hope during a turbulent time, embodying the strength and courage that carried her through the ordeal.
Photo Credit: Kathy Hutchins /