Fun and Festive Facts to Help You Celebrate National Popcorn String Day

A favorite childhood memory of many is stringing popcorn to create garland for a Christmas tree, even though it meant withstanding pricks and pokes from the needle. The perk was getting to secretly munch on the popcorn stash as you worked. How did this tradition get started? It goes back to the beginning of another holiday symbol. The Christmas tree was a German tradition started by devout Christians in the 16th century, and was brought to German settlements in Pennsylvania, according to

Ironically, Christmas trees were thought to be pagan symbols by many Americans at the time, and it wasn’t until the mid 1800s that the trees became common in American households. This was largely thanks to Queen Victoria and her German husband, Prince Albert, who were sketched with their Christmas tree for The Illustrated London News.

In those early days of the Christmas tree, Americans took a DIY approach to decorating, using mostly handmade ornaments. German-Americans favored fruit, nuts and cookies. Popcorn was dyed bright colors and strung in garland with other food items for a festive effect. Here are more fun history facts about popcorn strings and a few tips on how to make your own:

  • Cranberries were first cultivated in Cape Cod in the early 1800s, and their bright red color made them a natural addition to holiday garland. People discovered that fresh cranberries don’t spoil quickly and can last through much of the Christmas season, thanks to a waxy coating that acts as a preservative. —
  • In The Christmas Tree Book, Phillip Snyder writes that the first Christmas tree in Williamsburg, Virginia appeared in 1842 and was decked out in popcorn, nuts, paper decorations and a gold star. — Christmas Past by Barbara Hallman Kissinger
  • Popcorn was important to the Aztec people in the early 16th century. During ceremonies, young women would perform a dance while wearing thick popcorn garlands. The Aztecs also used popcorn to decorate ceremonial headdresses and ornaments on statues of their gods. — Popcorn Board
  • The current Guinness World Records title for the longest popcorn string measured at 320m (1049ft 10in). It was created by At-Bristol Science Centre at the At-Bristol Science Centre, in Bristol, UK, on July 26, 2014. Over 350 people participated in the record attempt.
  • When making popcorn garland, it’s better to use day-old popcorn because fresh popcorn breaks easily. You should also keep a fresh bowl nearby to eat while you string! — Popcorn Board
  • Use waxed dental floss for easier stringing, or use a needle and thread coated with beeswax. — Ocean Spray
  • To keep cranberries looking pretty, spray garland with shellac before hanging (this should only be done for indoor garland as wildlife will snack on string hung outside). — Ocean Spray

Photo Credit:  Michelle D. Milliman /