Frank Sinatra Jr’s Passing and a Very Odd Frank Sr Story

Frank Sinatra Jr., the son Frank Sinatra, has died while on tour of cardiac arrest at the age of 72. Frank Jr. had been in Daytona Beac,h Florida in concert when he succumbed to the illness.

In one of the more interesting Sinatra stories from the early 60s, Frank Jr. was kidnapped at the age of 19 in Lake Tahoe. Frank Sr. paid $240,000 for his release. After the capture of the kidnappers, it was strongly rumored that Frank Jr. arraigned the event to draw attention to his fledgling singing career, although never proven.

During the ordeal, the kidnappers demanded that they speak to Frank Sr. personally, but only on pay phones. During one call Frank ran out of dimes, causing the conversation to end. From that point on, Frank Sr. carried a roll of dimes until his death. Frank Sinatra Sr. was buried with that roll of dimes in his pocket.

Frank Sinatra Jr. is survived by his sisters, Nancy and Tina Sinatra, and a son, Michael Sinatra.

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