Everything old is new again, as Vintage becomes a Design Trend to watch for 2022

Home decor trends are always changing, but when it comes to 2022—a new year on the tails of some pretty challenging times—one phrase rings true for everything from home design to our daily lives: according to Designer & Manager of Production Design at Living Spaces, Jessica Harris, things will be perfectly imperfect.

As Harris notes, next year’s trends highlight the beauty of the symmetrical, uneven, or unbalanced things. “This trend is all about seeing flaws as an asset or something that makes each piece unique,” she shares, “It appreciates the effects of time, and the humble beauty found in things that are impermanent old, worn, or incomplete.”

And isn’t this a sigh of relief? After a particularly challenging year – or two – this trend is a reminder for both our spaces and ourselves—we don’t have to have it all together all the time.

One of the big trends design experts are predicting will dominate in 2022 is the return of classics from days gone by, i.e. Vintage design.  “With shortages popping up in supply chains and the important increase of focus on the environment, I think the celebration of one-of-a-kind finds will be an increasingly important trend in the new year,” predicts Next Wave designer Sara Hillery. “Not only are vintage finds a greener choice for design with upcycling, they are also laden with unique details that are expensive to re-create.”

Not only is shopping vintage an efficient and sustainable option, it adds important personality to a space. “Homes should celebrate our uniqueness and furniture choices are an important part of that,” says Hillery. “An old piece with great patina reflects a love and respect for history and story, just as a freshly painted antique shows a value of the past while also creating a colorful and playful environment.” And you can be sure none of your neighbors will own the same thing!

So, where can you find these unique, statement pieces? Try thrift stores, flea markets, repurposed furniture stores (online or in-store), or scour your local resale sites like Goodwill, Craigslist, or even Facebook Marketplace.

Photo Credit: town / Shutterstock.com