Dr. Carolyn Delucia Talks Sexual Health and Women Empowerment

The Wonders of considering the beauty of all parts of the body–including the labia. Cellular Medicine Association instructor Carolyn Delucia discussed sexual health and the empowerment of women.

Dr. Carolyn Delucia (gynecologist and author of Ultimate Intimacy) discussed strategies of both improving women’s sexual health and empowering women to demand the sex and depth of relationship that they deserve last night in a webinar.

Should a woman and her physician be able to pay as much attention to the appearance of the labia as she does to her face, legs, and breasts or are physicians simply making women feel insecure about any or all of these parts of her body simply to take advantage of the woman?

Dr. Charles Runels, MD (called the “Orgasm Doctor” by Cosmopolitan & by the Guardian, & the inventor of the Orgasm Shot® & the Vampire Facelift®) will moderate the discussion.

Dr. Runels and his colleagues of the Cellular Medicine Association, continue to conduct research in the areas of erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, orgasmic dysfunction, lichen sclerosus, & the treatment of scaring using blood-derived growth factors.

Photo Credit: Andrei_R / Shutterstock.com