Deftones Tease Enthralling New Sound and Confirm Album Progress at Coachella

At the vibrant Coachella festival, Deftones frontman Chino Moreno shared exciting updates about the band’s upcoming album, the first since their 2020 release, “Ohms.” According to Moreno, the album is musically complete and awaits his vocal finesse. Post-Coachella, he plans to dive into the recording process in Oregon, emphasizing quality over speed in their creative endeavors.

Moreno reflected on the rejuvenating power of the band’s creative process, which had been on pause since before the pandemic. He described the collaborative energy in the studio as the most thrilling part of being in Deftones, where spontaneous jams transform into track-worthy material, capturing the essence of their dynamic synergy.

The upcoming album, produced alongside Nick Raskulinecz—who previously collaborated on “Diamond Eyes” and “Koi No Yokan”—promises a refreshed and invigorated sound. Guitarist Stephen Carpenter praised Raskulinecz’s ability to integrate seamlessly with the band, steering their jam sessions into productive avenues and ensuring that creative sparks turn into concrete songs.

Further evolving their lineup, Deftones introduced Fred Sablan as their new touring bassist and Lance Jackman as a second guitarist, enriching their sound and performance dynamics.

This album marks a significant phase for Deftones, blending their iconic style with fresh influences and the excitement of new collaborations, setting the stage for a profound impact on their legacy and the rock genre.

Photo Credit: michaeljamiso11 /