Congress to Become Involved in Astroworld Case 

It has just been revealed that a congressional panel will investigate Live Nation Entertainment’s role in last month’s Astroworld tragedy in which 10 people died and hundreds more were injured after a packed crowd surged toward the stage during headliner Travis Scott’s performance. 

A bipartisan investigation, announced by the House Oversight Committee, will look into “the roles and responsibilities for Astroworld Festival, security planning for the event, and the steps Live Nation Entertainment took after being made aware that law enforcement had declared the event a ‘mass casualty event.’”

In a letter to Live Nation, the congressional panel said: “Recent reports raise serious concerns about whether your company took adequate steps to ensure the safety of the 50,000 concertgoers who attended Astroworld Festival. The panel noted reports of inadequate security and medical staff at the venue, the placement of barricades, and a failure to heed warning signs.”

In addition, the panel noted that they are “concerned by reports about Live Nation’s conduct following Astroworld Festival,” considering the company’s “long line of other tragic events and safety violations.”

As a response, Live Nation has made a statement assuring that they “are assisting local authorities in their investigation and will of course share information with the Committee as well. Safety is core to live events and Live Nation engages in detailed security planning in coordination with local stakeholders including law enforcement, fire and EMT professionals.”

Photo credit: Bryan Regan /