Category: Tech Made Simple

Queen Rhapsodizes to the top of the Streaming Charts

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the most-streamed song from the 20th century, and the most-streamed classic rock song of all time. The song, which reached and stayed at No 1 in the UK for 9 weeks in 1975 and then again in 1991 following Freddie Mercury’s death, has now been streamed 1.6 billion times across platforms […]

The Best Apps to Keep Your Child’s Christmas Spirit Alive

Is there really a Santa Claus? As kids, especially tech-savvy ones, get older, it becomes harder and harder to keep that holiday ho ho ho spirit alive.  But now, a visit to the app store or a bit of Photoshop creativity can be just the thing to help restore their little one’s belief in the […]

How To Walkie-Talkie with Instagram

Instagram just launched a new direct messaging walkie-talkie feature, so now you can send personalized messages, reminders, love notes, to friends, family, really anyone with open DMs on Instagram, that strikes your fancy. The voice messages can be recorded for up to one minute and are stored permanently in both one-on-one or group direct messages. […]

Google+ is Shutting Down After Major Hack

Google announced that it is going to terminate its “social media app,” Google+, in 2019.  While Google claims this decision is in response to increasingly poor use and uptake of Google+ among individuals, it might have a little something to do with a potentially large-scale vulnerability in the app’s API (Application Program Interface) that may […]

The Best Wireless Headphones to Buy this Christmas

One of the ironies of headphones is that we often end up owning multiple pairs while busily pursuing a single idealized set of cans that will suit all our needs and circumstances. Never mind that the perfect headphones don’t exist; we still want them. The closest thing to that do-everything pair of headphones can be […]

How To Turn Off Motion Smoothing on Your HDTV

Movie buff better pay attention, because your TV may be messing with your favorite flicks. Motion smoothing (also known as video interpolation or the “soap opera effect”) could be changing the quality of your picture. Meant to reduce motion blur, smoothing is useful when you’re watching the quick action in sports, but it’s not great […]

Epic Games Builds its own Steam

Epic Games, the company that launched the free, multi-user game “Fortnite,” wants to take on Apple and Google with a new “Epic Games Store.” Since it’s launch in September of 2017, Fortnite has skyrocketed in popularity to become an international household name. Epic Games says that more than 200 million accounts have been registered in […]