Pamela Anderson is taking control of her own narrative in an upcoming Netflix documentary centered around her sex tape scandal with now-ex-husband Tommy Lee. Aptly timed after the recent release of the Hulu mini-series Pam & Tommy, which Anderson has notably rejected as inauthentic, the Baywatch star is “ready to tell her story.” “The film, which has […]
Category: News
Jueves por la noche baloncesto victorias, derrotas
Qué noche tan emocionante para el baloncesto, ya que la NBA se acerca cada vez más a los playoffs. El jueves por la noche, los Atlanta Hawks sorprendieron a los Chicago Bulls con una victoria de 130-124. Los Lakers de Los Ángeles continúan cayendo en picado en la Conferencia Oeste después de una derrota por […]
Kim Kardashian is Officially Single as Divorce From Kanye West Finalized
Kim Kardashian has officially been granted the end of her marriage to Kanye West, as her divorce filing from over a year ago has just been approved by a judge. According to reports, Kardashian and her lawyer, Laura Wasser, were both present for Wednesday’s court hearing, but West was absent. West’s lawyer did not object […]
Kim Kardashian está oficialmente soltera al finalizar el divorcio de Kanye West
A Kim Kardashian se le ha concedido oficialmente el final de su matrimonio con Kanye West, ya que un juez acaba de aprobar su solicitud de divorcio de hace más de un año. Según los informes, Kardashian y su abogada, Laura Wasser, estuvieron presentes en la audiencia judicial del miércoles, pero West estuvo ausente. El […]
Lanzamiento de la película del viernes: “The Batman”, “Fresh”
¡Este viernes trae dos emocionantes películas para los amantes del cine! The Batman llegará a los cines de todo el país, mientras que Fresh estará disponible para ver en Hulu a partir del viernes. The Batman es la última película que cuenta una de las muchas historias de Bruce Wayne como Batman. Protagonizada por Robert Pattinson, […]
Friday Movie Release: “The Batman,” “Fresh”
This Friday brings two exciting films for movie lovers! The Batman will be hitting theaters across the nation, while Fresh will be available to watch on Hulu beginning Friday. The Batman is the latest film that tells one of the many stories of Bruce Wayne as Batman. Starring Robert Pattinson, Colin Farrel, Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Peter Sarsgaard, Jeffrey […]
Victorias notables en el baloncesto de los miércoles por la noche
Fue una noche emocionante en la NBA anoche para los fanáticos del baloncesto. Los Philadelphia 76ers parecen ser el mejor equipo de la NBA tras la pausa del Juego de Estrellas con su derrota sobre los New York Knicks, 123-108. Los 76ers ahora están montando una racha ganadora de cuatro juegos. Los Charlotte Hornets continúan […]
Notable Wednesday Night Basketball Wins
It was a thrilling night in the NBA last night for basketball fans. The Philadelphia 76ers look to be the best team in the NBA following the All-Star break with their defeat over the New York Knicks, 123-108. The 76ers are now riding a four-game winning streak. The Charlotte Hornets continue to push for the […]
“CODA” Wins Best Picture at 2022 Hollywood Critics Association Awards
This year’s award show season continues to lead up to the Oscars, as the fifth annual awards for the Hollywood Critics Association took place on Monday. After taking home the win for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture at the SAG Awards over the weekend, CODA continued its streak by being honored with […]
First Two Series Canceled for 2022 MLB Season
The MLB season has officially canceled the first two series of the 2022 baseball season. On Tuesday, the MLB owners and the MLB Players Association could not come to terms on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement to end the lockout in the major leagues. After a highly productive start to the week, the owners and […]