Category: Health & Wellness

What Public Health Experts Say About Expediting A Coronavirus Vaccine

The vaccine trial that Vice President Mike Pence kicked off in Miami last week gives the United States the tiniest chance of being ready to vaccinate millions of Americans just before Election Day. It’s a possibility that fills many public health experts with dread. Among their concerns: Early evidence that any vaccine works would lead […]

Could a Low Carb Diet help Protect Our Eyes as we Age?

Glaucoma strikes many people as they age, but what if a simple dietary change could lower your risk? New research suggests it can: Scientists found a low-carbohydrate diet might protect you against the vision-robbing disease. The researchers analyzed data from 185,000 female nurses and male health professionals, aged 40 to 75, who took part in […]

CDC says Salmonella outbreak in 34 states linked to Red Onions

As if we don’t all have enough to worry about with the coronavirus pandemic, now, across 34 states, nearly 400 people have fallen ill due to a salmonella outbreak. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this outbreak is likely linked to red onions. “Although red onions have been identified as the likely […]

Will a Flu Shot And Pneumonia Vaccine reduce your Alzheimer’s Risk?

For years, public health officials have been trying to dispel the myth that people who get a flu shot are more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. They are not. And now there is evidence that vaccines that protect against the flu and pneumonia may actually protect people from Alzheimer’s, too. The evidence comes from two […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Heads To Widespread Testing In U.S.

The COVID-19 vaccine candidate made by the U.S. biotech company Moderna and developed in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health starts its final phase of testing this week. This phase is called Phase 3 efficacy testing, and it is designed to see if the vaccine actually prevents disease. Up to 30,000 volunteers will be […]

6 elements your Fabric Face Masks should include, according to the CDC

A significant number of fashion retailers and brands have shifted their efforts to producing fabric face masks ever since the CDC recommended all Americans should wear “face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.”  But with the devastating shortage of N95 medical masks, it’s critical that the public reserve […]

Tips on Proper Wear of a Face Covering during Exercise

The thought of wearing a face mask during your workout may make some feel a little claustrophobic, but with COVID-19 numbers rising, pretty much everywhere, they’ve become a necessity.  Look, if you’re out there exercising, you’re into being fit and healthy.  If you want to STAY healthy, you need to wear a mask for the […]

How to Exercise Safely with a Face Mask

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2020) presently recommends that everyone wear a cloth face covering (mask) in public settings, where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. Exercise centers, gyms and fitness studios are now starting to re-open as the stay-at-home directives begin […]

FDA warns of Dozens more Hand Sanitizers to Avoid, growing list to 59

If you are purchasing hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, avoid purchasing products that contain methanol, a type of wood alcohol that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin. In recent weeks, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified several products that contain methanol. […]