Category: Classic Hits

Melissa Etheridge Taking Her Talents on Tour

Melissa Etheridge cares about women’s health (being a breast cancer survivor), the environment, and now the city of Flint, Michigan. Flint is the epicenter of the lead laced water scandal that has been unfolding, inspiring celebrates and musician from all walks of life and music genres to lend a helping hand. Melissa has recently announced […]

Rockers and Their Crazy Demands on the Road

When bands go on tour, their management sends a ‘rider’ to the upcoming venues, with a list (actually demands) of what is expected when the band gets to the gig. Often times it’s the kind of food, beverages, dressing rooms characteristics etc. However, some bands get crazy with their requests. These are a few that […]

Songs by the Other George – Part Two

Loosely known as the ‘5th Beatle,’ George Martin died a few weeks ago; most critics agree without George we would probably not have the Beatles as we know them, Let’s take look at part two of ‘Songs by the Other George’ to help celebrate his touch.. “Strawberry Fields Forever” introduced studio tricks such as reversed […]

Great Songs in Great Movies – Part Two

Hollywood often spends millions of dollars in the production of a movie sound track, yet the best movie music is music heard on the radio. These songs are already popular, familiar, and relatively inexpensive compared to the alternatives. Here is part two of ‘Great Songs in Great Movies.’ “Incense and Peppermints” by the 60s one […]

Peter Frampton and Lynyrd Skynyrd on Tour Together

Peter Frampton and Lynyrd Skynyrd have joined forces this year to create real buzz for their upcoming joint tour. Frampton and ‘Frampton Comes Alive’ is considered one of the benchmark albums from the 70s, while the boys from Jacksonville Lynyrd Skynyrd captured the southern rock flag from the same era. These two have been playing […]