Category: Classic Hits

Rockers and Their Crazy Demands on the Road

Rock bands can be pretty fickle on stage and in their personal lives, yet when it comes to the requests some bands make for their venue dressing rooms, it gets really funky. Here are more odd demands or requirements for dressing rooms a few of the biggest stars require while on the road… Metallica requires […]

Wedding Songs that You’d Never Forget

Weddings are blessed celebrations of a man and woman joined together. Do you remember the songs that were played or sung in or your wedding, or at your wedding reception? Let’s put together an all-time ‘Best Wedding Songs’ collection. “The Wedding Song” performed by Paul Stookey of Peter Paul and Mary. This song was a […]

Melissa Etheridge Taking Her Talents on Tour

Melissa Etheridge cares about women’s health (being a breast cancer survivor), the environment, and now the city of Flint, Michigan. Flint is the epicenter of the lead laced water scandal that has been unfolding, inspiring celebrates and musician from all walks of life and music genres to lend a helping hand. Melissa has recently announced […]

Rockers and Their Crazy Demands on the Road

When bands go on tour, their management sends a ‘rider’ to the upcoming venues, with a list (actually demands) of what is expected when the band gets to the gig. Often times it’s the kind of food, beverages, dressing rooms characteristics etc. However, some bands get crazy with their requests. These are a few that […]

Songs by the Other George – Part Two

Loosely known as the ‘5th Beatle,’ George Martin died a few weeks ago; most critics agree without George we would probably not have the Beatles as we know them, Let’s take look at part two of ‘Songs by the Other George’ to help celebrate his touch.. “Strawberry Fields Forever” introduced studio tricks such as reversed […]