Broadway Residency Cancelled According to Rivers Cuomo

According to, Weezer’s scheduled Broadway residency is cancelled, according to the band’s frontman, Rivers Cuomo. In a post to his Discord server, that was viewed by ABC Audio, Cuomo posted, “I just learned that our Broadway shows have been cancelled (due to low ticket sales and unbelievably high expenses). I’m very sorry to be telling you this now after we’ve already invested so much time, thought, and emotion, Extra apologies to those of you who cleared schedules and made travel plans to be with us…I loved where we were going and I hope we can find a way to resurrect our vision.” Although, the band’s social media pages and website still are promoting the scheduled residency and links to purchase tickets still appear to be active. Although it is still unclear on if it was cancelled or not, the residency was scheduled to take place over the course of five performances at New York City’s Broadway Theatre in September, with the first four shows themed around Weezer’s four seasonally themed SZNZ EPs, with the fifth featuring songs from various EPs as well as fan favorites.

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