Before Their Time – Part Two

Death and taxes are the only things we can be sure of right? Fame and fortune maybe great, but the grim reaper comes for all. Here’s part two of “Before Their Time.”

Michael Jackson died of a heart attack, brought on by the introduction of various drugs at the age of 50. Sadly, his death over shadowed the deaths of two other stars who deserved recognition; Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett died on or a day after Michael’s death.

Otis Redding was 26 years of age when he died in a horrific plane crash. Otis was about to make it big with the songs he had just recorded, one of the songs being “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay,” which was rising on the charts at the time of this tragic accident. Most of the soul group The Bar-Kays also died in this crash.

Jimi Hendrix died at the age of 27 of a drug overdose, who saw that coming right? Rock and roll has taken many a life too soon, almost always self-inflicted by reckless choices.

Donny Hathaway jumped out of a building window at the age of 33 after a recording session. His death was ruled a suicide. Now we might have recognized the symptoms of depression and mental fatigue, and Donny could have gotten the help he needed.

Photo credit: Vicki L. Miller /