April Home Improvement To-Do’s you can do in Under an Hour

Spring has sprung, the days are getting longer, the ground is thawing and flowers are blooming.  You’re looking around, noticing all the nooks and crannies that you’ve been ignoring for days, weeks, months…years.  Well, here is a short list of April Home Improvement To-Do’s you can knock out in an hour or less.

1. Check safety devices:

Check that your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors are functioning and add new batteries to them. Check for recalls of your home safety products as well –  you can find up-to-date listings at Recalls.gov.

2. Inspect driveway, paths and walkways

Check your driveway and paths for cracks and damage from winter freezing and thawing.  Schedule repairs as needed.

3. Inspect property for standing water

Eliminate mosquito and inspect breeding grounds by inspecting your property for standing water. Also inspect any flower pots that have been left out since they can fill with water too. Eliminate any puddles you may find in your yard and gardens.

4. Clean garbage cans and recycling bins

Take all garbage cans and recycling bins outside and give them a thorough cleaning with a brush and detergent. Let dry and bring back indoors.

5. Organize your junk drawer

We all have one! Remove everything from your junk drawer and discard everything that is broken. Donate or toss things you no longer need. Purchase organizers that you need to maximize your junk drawer’s storage potential. Clean out drawer and drawer organizers with mild soap and let dry before adding everything back.

Photo Credit:  Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com