A Tragic Eagles’ Family Member Dies in Accidental Shooting

Being rich and famous is no guarantee of happiness, and certainly not of good health or long life.

Another tragedy has struck the super group The Eagles, as former original member Randy Meisner’s wife Lana Rae was killed in what police are calling an accidental shooting.

Lana Rae Meisner was moving a rifle that was stored in a case in a closet Sunday when another item in the case shifted, sticking the trigger and discharging the firearm. It killed Lana Rae instantly. Trouble has been on the Meisner doorstep in recent months as Randy was arrested and subdued after an incident in July of 2015 where he threated murder-suicide with an AK-47.

Randy Meisner was an original member of the Eagles, leaving the group in 1977.

Photo credit: Bruce C. Murray / Shutterstock.com