A St. Louis Fire Department Has Its First All Female Crew

For the very first time in 165 years, the St. Louis Fire Department has managed to have an all female firefighting crew. Licole McKinney, a firefighter, and acting captain stated, “With this being Women’s History Month, we felt like this would be the grandest opportunity to see if we can make this collaboration come together because it would have a huge impact on the community as well as nationwide.”

Another firefighter, Jessica Jackson stated that, “This 50,000-pound truck has a lot of horsepower, and today powered by us ladies, Not only, there’s a lot of love and compassion. We got a lot of girl power. We’re running this truck, we’re out in the streets, and doing the job that every man or woman is doing out there, we’re doing, just doing it together.”

Female firefighters in the St. Louis Fire Department have worked for 35 years, but the all female crew is a first at engine house number 26. Yet another firefighter, Elizabeth McCormick stated, “Absolutely, I’m really excited to be here with my sisters in fire, and we’re ready for whatever it takes.”

“At the end of the day, it always makes you proud to do the job from day one, But when you see the reaction. People are surprised to see you driving this apparatus. They feel proud and make you feel proud.” said Pamela Saunders-Isaac, a firefighter.

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