A Kennel Cough Outbreak in Florida is Worrying Pet Owners Across the Country

With COVID-19 still on the mind of many Americans, there’s another virus spreading around South Florida affecting a different segment of the population: dogs.  Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex, also known as “kennel cough” or “canine cough,” is caused by a group of viruses and bacteria, including the flu, that affects the respiratory tract of dogs. It can also be easily spread, whether dogs live in a home or are awaiting adoption.

In March, Miami-Dade County health officials noticed there was an increased amount of dogs infected with CIRDC. Ultimately, animal servicers decided on March 23 to indefinitely suspend dog adoptions, adoption events and wellness clinics performing spay and neuter surgeries, microchipping and vaccinations. Serrano said a quick response to the disease helped contain it. “So far, it’s going pretty well. The cases are already kind of decreasing. We’re still separating the populations and making sure we leave the dogs at least 10 days in isolation to make sure that we have less risks of transmission to other dogs,” Serrano said. “I think we acted very promptly.”

Even though so far the virulent outbreak seems to be limited to South Florida, and cases are decreasing, the news of the outbreak could cause fear in dog owners in nearby cities and states. Pet owners across the state, and even around the country are getting worried that this contagious disease could spread and their furry best friend may be next.

It’s good to be prepared.  So, here is everything you need to know about CIRDC:

How does CIRDC spread?

Similar to how COVID-19 spreads, CIRDC spreads whenever dogs are in close contact, such as at a dog park, a play date, groomer and shelters. Arce said another way the virus could spread is if a dog plays with a toy and then a different dog uses the same toy. Maria Serrano, chief veterinarian at the Miami-Dade County Animal Services, said the outbreak in South Florida likely came from a dog that entered a shelter.  “Respiratory diseases that are transmitted through aerosolized droplets are just very, very contagious,” Serrano said.

It’s important to note that the disease does not affect humans.

What are the symptoms of CIRDC?

Common symptoms include coughing and sneezing, as well as discharge coming from the nose. As the disease develops, dogs may have difficulty breathing and may have secretions coming out of their nose and eyes, according to veterinary experts. Symptoms usually appear around five days after exposure, and mild cases usually last up to 10 days. Dogs could be tested by veterinarians to see if they have the disease.  It’s important to note that some dogs may not show any symptoms, but they could still carry and spread the disease.

How sick do dogs get from CIRDC?

Most cases of CIRDC are mild, but the disease can worsen and dogs can develop pneumonia, and even die, if left unattended. Puppies, older dogs or immunocompromised dogs are the most susceptible to the virus and worsening symptoms. Dogs with worsening symptoms can be hospitalized and treated with anti-viral medicine.

How do you keep your dog safe?

The like with people, veterinary experts say that owners should make sure their dogs are up to date on their vaccines. While there isn’t a vaccine dedicated to preventing illness from CIRDC as it is “not a vaccine-preventable condition,” veterinarians say that vaccines can partially protect respiratory systems while also strengthening immune systems.  And, if there is an outbreak, restrain dogs from having “nose-to-nose” contact with each other.

There really isn’t much of a peak season of the disease, but the summer months when there are more dogs outside could be a period when the disease can easily spread. But as long as the dog is in good health, there shouldn’t be much worry. Most cases are mild and self-limiting. And as long as your pooch’s vaccinations are up to date, you both should be just fine.

Photo Credit: 4 PM production / Shutterstock.com