Program Launches to Help Women Return to Work

MARS Solutions Group announced MARS Returnship, a new program for women looking to restart their careers in technology following a gap in employment. The program provides on-the-job training, mentorship, and a partnership approach to prepare cohort members to successfully rejoin the workforce.

MARS Returnship works with partner companies to customize a program design for a highly-trained and cost-effective, yet often overlooked, talent pipeline. Corporate partners benefit from mid-level candidate pool, with gender, age, and cognitive diversity.

“I am beyond excited to launch MARS Returnship,” says Rashi Khosla, Founder and CEO at MARS Solutions Group. “I’ve always had a passion for helping women return to the technology workforce and we’ve designed an effective on-ramp program to ensure success. Our exceptional graduates and partner companies enjoy a customized experience to meet the unique technical and interpersonal needs of all involved.”

Features and benefits of this program include:

Customized program design
Targeted upskilling and reskilling
Dedicated one-on-one mentoring
Career counselling
Employment potential
Access to networking opportunities

The first cohort begins on Sept. 1, 2020. We are currently accepting applications. Cohort and partner company applicants can submit online at

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