Honey is said to help soothe a sore throat, but could it have other health benefits? Dr. Oz thinks so! “It contains powerful immune-boosting antioxidants,” he says, “and early evidence indicates it might help with blood sugar and cholesterol.”
It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial benefits, the real life and TV doc says. “If you put that delicious honey on a wound,” he explains, “it suffocates the bacteria and actually soaks the moisture out of the wound.”
The health benefits of honey are so vast, in his opinion, that Dr. Oz has actually become a beekeeper! After he realized that the fruit trees on his property weren’t yielding anything, he enlisted the help of some buzzy, yellow-and-black friends. The bees would pollinate the plants, and, he says, make them fertile. The added bonus is, of course, honey, which he harvests with his son Oliver.
To extract the honey from the hives, the father and son wear protective suits, use smoke to simulate a forest fire, causing the bees to make a speedy exit, so they can scrape some of the honey off (not all, they told us, because the bees need the honey to survive the winter!). Then, they extract it, bottle it up and enjoy the farm-fresh honey.
Photo Credit: lev radin / Shutterstock.com