Hold the Toppings! It’s National Cheese Pizza Day

On September 5th, National Cheese Pizza Day says, “Hold the toppings!” That’s right, cheese is all you need when celebrating this pizza holiday. Whether the pie is homemade or ordered in, make it cheese only, please!

Add a variety of cheeses to your pie to celebrate. Smokey gouda or a little gorgonzola might mix it up. If you like a little cheddar, mild or sharp shredded across the top will do. Debates prevail over thin or thick crust, but let’s hold off on that debate for now. The cheese holds the spotlight on this occasion.  (BTW, if you really want to celebrate pizza toppings in all their glory, National Pizza Day is February 9.)

Here are a few Pizza Fun Facts:

  • In ancient Greece, the Greeks covered their bread with oils, herbs, and cheese which some believe is the beginning of the “pizza”.
  • In Byzantine Greek, the word was spelled “πίτα”, pita, meaning pie. 
  • A sheet of dough topped with cheese and honey, then flavored with bay leaves was developed by the Romans.
  • The modern pizza had its beginning in Italy as the Neapolitan flatbread.
  • The original pizza used only mozzarella cheese, mainly the highest quality buffalo mozzarella variant which was produced in the surroundings of Naples.
  • It was estimated that the annual production of pizza cheese in the United States in 1997 was 2 billion pounds.
  • The first United States pizza establishment opened in 1905 was in New York’s Little Italy.
  • Pizza has become one of America’s favorite meals.

Want to know how to celebrate National Cheese Pizza Day?  Well, order up or bake up your own, that’s how!  Take a pizza poll to find out who makes the best cheese pizza in your state. Test out a new recipe or try one of these below. Have a cheese pizza party. Invite friends over to make their favorite cheese pizzas and enjoy each others company.  Take a selfie of you enjoying the cheesy goodness and post #NationalCheesePizzaDay on social media.

Photo Credit:  DZha33 / Shutterstock.com