Simple Fall Home Maintenance To Do’s

We are well into the Fall season, and there are some simple maintenance to-do’s that are really musts before Winter hits your home.

Clean Out your Dryer Vents

It may sound silly, but lint build up in your dryer can cause a clog that will seriously increase your fire risk. The good news is, it’s an easy fix. Empty your lint trap every time you use your dryer. Every. Single. Time. Check your dryer placement. Make sure your vent pipe doesn’t have any kinks or has to wind around corners, which can inhibit proper flow, and if you can, place your dryer as close to an exterior wall as possible.

Seal Up your Surfaces

Extreme temps can cause peeling and chipping on exterior paint and wood finishes, which leaves your home vulnerable to decay and wood rot. You can protect your exterior surfaces by applying a stain and sealant. You’ll need to clean the surface and remove debris and build up first. You can use a screwdriver or putty knife for small problem areas, or a power washer for the big jobs. Wait at least 48 hours before sanding the surface using 80-grit sandpaper, sweep or vacuum the gunk, then apply the sealant or paint. If this sounds like way more work than you bargained for, call a professional painter. Remember, a few hundred dollars spent on re-sealing your deck now could save you thousands in replacing the whole thing later.

Put Away your Patio Furnishings

Storing your grill, deck chairs, and outdoor set in a shed or garage in the colder months helps preserve the look and make your investment last. And, if you don’t have enough space to store everything, get some sturdy all-weather covers.

Tend To your Landscaping

Now that the hot summer sun isn’t frying everything in your yard, your plants and lawn could really use some TLC. Put out lawn seed and mulch bigger plant basins to help nourish and protect them between extreme seasons. You can even plant new foliage in these cooler months and let new roots have a chance to take hold before freezing temps set in. If you’re unsure about your green thumb, consult a reputable nursery or professional landscape designer.

Clean Out your Gutters

Falling leaves can really clog up your rain gutters, and if you don’t stay on top of it, come rainy season you may have a big mess on your hands…and a damaged roof to boot. So pull on those gardening gloves, get out the ladder and get to it. Cleaning out rain gutters is a matter of methodically scooping and clearing leaves, pine needles and other debris. Once done, it might be a good idea to flush them with a hose to make sure the gutters and pipes are clear and flowing. Of course, if the idea of shimmying up a ladder makes you panic, you can always call a rain gutter service or handyman to do the job for you.

Photo Credit: Radovan1 /