Learning More About the Stones

The Rolling Stones have written and performed the best music for decades, and we think we know them pretty well right? Well, here are a few things about the Stones you may not know…

As the band began to enjoy success in the UK prior to their American visit, they were pitched to sing the soundtrack for a Rice Krispies commercial. They agreed to do it.

In 1966, while prepping for an American tour, the manager of the Stones was turned down 14 times by New York Hotels for that cities engagement. The band didn’t realize that the week prior their trashing a UK hotel had become big news in the papers across the pond.

Mick Jagger broke a school record in track and field while growing up. Ronnie Wood broke a record of sorts, becoming a father of twins last year at the age of 68.

The Stones appeared on the ‘Ed Sullivan’ show in 1964. The crowd went crazy, ratings went through the roof, and Ed hated them. After their initial appearance, Ed demanded they never return. Management overruled the demand, inviting the Stones back many more times.

Photo credit: Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com