The Best Mid Summer Classic Songs

The MLB All Star Game is not too far away, making us think of all the great songs we hear between innings or as the batter comes up to the plate during the game. Here are our favorites…

Although considered to be a country song, “Cheap Seats” by the group Alabama, is a great song about life in the minor leagues, mentioning the ‘in between innings’ promotions and memorable food. Minor league baseball is a key part of growing up in the south, and the song “Cheap Seats” will always be heard at a baseball game.

“Centerfield” by John Fogerty is the every man’s baseball song about an average players pleading with his manger to put him in the game. You’ll also hear the names of some of the best. Joe, Willie, Babe and more. It’s a short catchy song with one of the best guitar riffs in all of baseball songs.

“Glory Days” the Bruce Springsteen tune details the way we think life was; always better in yesteryear than today. “Glory Days” comes from Bruce’s “Born in the USA” album, and actually was written with a verse that never made it to the record. The absent verse describes the singer’s father who worked as an auto worker in New Jersey who was saddened because he never played baseball, and had little to cheer about.

Photo credit: Antonio Scorza /