Keeping Up With Football During the Offseason

The offseason is going strong and the NBA and NHL are in their most important time of the year, but plenty is going on in the world of football. The offseason is just as important for teams as the games during the season when it comes down to it. Let’s take a look at what’s going on in the world of football these days…

Baylor’s football team is being shook up right now with ESPN’s Outside the Line reporting that many more players than we realized were named in police reports. Stories are coming out now, although none are completely confirmed, that make you really wonder what is going on in Waco, Texas.

The SEC has announced a new replay system that will be collaborative among the entire conference and is based off of the system that the ACC is turning to this year. Both are saying this will help greatly with being better at replays this upcoming season.

ESPN has announced some changes among their staff and who will be announcing their games during the week. Joe Tessitore is loved by man and will now be moved from Thursday night games to Saturday night. This move comes with Brad Nessler moving to CBS this upcoming season. Sam Ponder will be the sideline reporter for Saturday Night Football on ABC as well.