A Special Message From the Rolling Stones to Donald Trump

Who could forget the Fleetwood Mac song “Don’t Stop” used exclusively by Bill Clinton in the early 90s as a key part of their branding? It’s common for aspiring politicians and or candidates using current music to demonstrate how hip they are. Well the Rolling Stones has a message for GOP presumptive nominee, Donald J. Trump… Please stop!

Donald has been using a variety of Rolling Stone songs during the campaign, and this is not the first time they have asked for him to stop. The members of the band have strongly spoken against the Trump train, but the candidate has yet to listen. We may actually end up in court over this.

Other musicians who have asked candidates to stop using their ‘protected by copyright’ music have been REM’s Michael Stipe, Aerosmith, and Elton John.

Photo credit: Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com