Ozzy Has Gone MIA!

“One Adam 12, One Adam 12 – be on the lookout for an old rock and roller by the name of Ozzy Osbourne…” Ozzy has gone missing from his abode as of this past Saturday. Over the weekend, it’s alleged that his wife Sharon threw him out of the house over the discovery that Ozzy has been having an affair with a hair stylist, 45 years of age, living in Los Angeles.

Ozzy’s escape Saturday night did not ruin Mother’s Day, as Sharon was surrounded by friends and loved ones on Sunday her special day. The greatest fear of course is that Ozzy, a recovering drug and alcohol addict, will fall off the wagon, thus there is a sense of urgency in finding this rock icon. His son Jack is desperately seeking Ozzy to talk some sense into him.

The Osbourne’s have been married for 33 years, with six children (five biological and one adopted) and live in Los Angeles.

Photo credit: Benoit Daoust / Shutterstock.com