Rockers Having Their Time to Shine in the Movies

It’s hard to believe Patrick Swayze has been gone over seven years, but he was a great actor and singer (okay he had one song that hits the charts) “She’s Like the Wind.” The late Jeff Healey was a good friend and played a singer in Patrick’s movie ‘Roadhouse,’ making us think about other rockers who had their moment on film.

Here’s our brief list…

Who could forget Jon Bon Jovi in the well-produced submarine movie called U-571? Phil Collins, Jimmy Buffett, Jimmy Buffett and David Crosby made a cameo’ appearance in Robin Williams classic ‘Hook.’

Eminem of course had achieved success by the time his movie ‘8 Mile’ came out, but the storyline was fairly close to the real story, plus we thought he did a good job acting.

‘No Doubt’ singer, Gwen Stefani, was in the movie ‘The Aviator’ with Leonardo Di Caprio, and you may remember Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers in the FBI – surfer crime movie ‘Point Break’ with Keanu Reeves and again Patrick Swayze,

Nancy Wilson was a character in the movie ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’, and it made sense as her husband at the time Cameron Crowe was the producer of the movie.

Photo credit: Aija Lehtonen /